Our View

Our View
In Old Towne Ridgecrest

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's Friday!

A week ago we learned a fast and furious lesson in emergency preparedness when the entire city went 7 hours without power. It also put a halt to the grand weekend plans several of us had so we are hoping to resume those plans this weekend. Yay!! TGIF!!!

All in all it was a pretty quiet week around here. Everyday we fine tune the AM logs a little more. It's the same process we went through when we the FM came online. I'm really excited by our programming on 1360. I've never been one to listen to talk radio or even AM radio but the guys Eric has lined up are great! John Gibson is especially entertaining in the late afternoon early evening. He gets really fired up about the issues. The best thing I like about our talk line up is that while you may not agree with everything the hosts say they definitely get you thinking.

Election Day is a little over two weeks away. Please vote. Voting is the best way for you to make your voice heard. We have several important issues on the ballot including Measure A. Now is a great time to take a moment to do some research on the candidates and the issues. Make your voice heard, VOTE! Apply for an absentee ballot if you can't make it to the polls. Our website is a great resource for information on our local government and elected officials and since it has been revamped, that information is even easier to locate!

Have a great weekend everyone and we'll see you here next week, Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel!


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