Our View

Our View
In Old Towne Ridgecrest

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Most Important Thing....

Day to day business clouds the mind somewhat and keeps me from keeping my eye on the big picture, but the last couple of days with all of the phone calls during the Big Show and watching the daily web hits grow, and an increase in e-mails, it has reminded me to remind you that if you live in the Indian Wells Valley, this is YOUR radio station. We take several calls a day from people with ideas and suggestions and a whole lot of them have been institued on the air. We're proud of that. For those of you taking a more passive role in all of this, jump in the water's fine! As a matter of fact, it's great! We're all having a blast! Wanna stick your head in the door and get a quick tour? No problem. Ever wondered how a radio station works? We'll be glad to show you. This truly has been, and is currently a labor of love and community commitment.

Everybody has made me so proud to call the IWV home.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

We're Interactive!

So this morning we're trying to take listener calls. Our question of the day? What is your favorite Crime Forensics show? We're slowly but surely getting calls. This has been my goal the whole time and we most certainly will be taking on more heady issues, but today, we'll just get the bugs out. Fritz is the call taker and he is editing the calls down for airplay. But our bottom line and what has always been radios strong point has been the ability to be interactive, before interactive was cool. On top of that we are totally internet friendly too, with this blog, our new message board, the ability to e-mail requests and contest entries as well as calendar submissions and now our online poll. We are hoping that everyone who listens every day will not only "feel" a part of this station, but BE a part of this station.

Stay tuned.


Monday, March 27, 2006

Another AM Update

Well, the trials and tribulations continute, but we are getting so close to getting this done. Also, there have been some changes to the lineup. I will keep it a secret for now, but most of the names remain intact (inclusing Rush-you ditto heads) but we have a pretty dynamic guy opening for him in the mornings. It's all coming down just like I thought. All at the last minute. We are expecting our new transmitter this week, as well as a new remote control untit, a new STL, a new pole to mount the anntena on and all of our Angels gear. No sweat right? It's all supposed to be here before the end of the week, and we HAVE to get it on next week. Sheesh. It's going to be great when it's done and we're already receiving a ton of calls asking about it, even though we haven't really put much word out on the street about the Talk station.

We finally have our message board setup. It's a good one too. So, I am looking forward to getting feedback for the station and we'll post some topics for your consideration about community issues.

Speaking of community issues....we are looking for 8-10 folks to be on our Community Issues Committee. You would be responsible for helping us keep the most important topics front and center in front of the community. If you are interested you can e-mail me at eric@kziq.com .

Have a great week!!!


Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Coyote's Name is........

Ziq, pronounced Zeke! Brian M. came up with this name first so he dinner for two at the IWV Lodge! If you'll notice Ziq is the last three letters of our call sign. Plus you can't get anymore country than Ziq! Congratulations Brian, and thanks to all the entries we received. There were so many great ones submitted! We plan to announce some of the entries we got over the next week so you can hear just how hard it was to decide!

We have several Coyote road stops planned in the next few weeks. Stay tuned to hear where we are each weekend. If you stop by you might even win a prize and I guarantee you'll have a great time.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Time for an update!

If you've noticed a lack of updates here and on the website it's a sign of just how busy we have been. We are hard at work on the AM station and every day get just a little farther with it. I am really excited by the programming we have scheduled. Just hang in there a bit longer and I promise we will blow you away.

How do you like the morning show? I am so excited that it's been extended an hour. This means more time for interviews, David Letterman's Top 10 and anything else we can cram in an extra hour!

Tomorrow is the day we "Name the Coyote." It was so hard to pick just one name. There were a ton of entries and everyone was so great! So make sure to listen tomorrow at 9:15am. I will post it here on the blog soon after.

Monday, March 06, 2006

It's Follies Week!

Mixed emotions this week. It's the final week of preparations for the Ridgecrest Chamber's Star Follies. 65 of us, usually have a blast on show night. I'm not sure if eveyrone realizes it, but we spend many hours over about a month and a half, preparing our "numbers". No matter how much we doubt ourselves, the show always comes together on show night and we have a blast. The concept of the show was for people who don't normally work together to get a chance to know each other and work together and in fact it does work that way. The one major way we're validated is for the seats to be full and to see the audience have a good time. We haven't been let down yet. Neither has the audience. We're hoping we get even more people than we have ever had. Tickets are available at Hallmark (General admission) and the Chamber office (reserved). Please come out and be a part of the fun and what is now a Ridgecrest institution. This year will also feature a bite to eat from the Habitat for Humanity barbecue team so come hungry!

Myself and Ron K. will be working out at Mesquite Hall this week, doing our chores. Draping the stage and putting the finishing touches on. Thursday night we show Don our songs, put up the lights and sound and we'll be going over the video shoot and camera angeles. Betcha didn't know about all that stuff huh? As a matter of fact, every year our video has gotten better and for the last few years, the video is available on DVD. Instead of telling your friends about a certain number that was shocking or extremely funny (can you say Full Monty?) buy the DVD and show them.

Now, on to the AM. We're plugging along. There has been a little drama and we are running a little behind, but The Madman got the ball rolling and by the end of the week we'll probably have some programming on. This is a heads up ONLY here on the BLOG. We're planning on getting Tony Snow and Rush on the air by weeks end. We won't be seriously promoting FoxTalk 1360 until we're all done, but we will definately be up and running for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.