Our View

Our View
In Old Towne Ridgecrest

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's Thank You Time...

Watching the Golden Globes last night, it reminded me that I need to do some thank you's, and I will do these on the air too.

To Sara and Kim for all of their work making this place look liveable and a special one to Kim for putting up with me saying, "I'll be right home". Plus there'll be more thank you's to them because they have a LOT of cool things planned!

Glenn....there really isn't a grunt job you won't do is there? I mean really, even the toilet??? Thanks man- Your work is MUCH appreciated!

To Steve and Keith...Holy Moly....you're work has been invaluable. The wiring, the networking....as they say on the net OMG! Your guys are true professionals even pulling all-nighters!

Ray W....News God. You are one of the reasons we have so many listeners right now. I know that. The check's not in the mail, but maybe some more equipment is?

Chip and Lynn....your words of encouragement have meant much. I look forward to working with you guys and finally making my permanent place in the Valley.

Traci and Hans....Thanks for the goodies and being the first to bring donuts to the place.

Ron K....you KNOW this wouldn't have happened without you. You're place in C.I.A. history is etched in stone. (Sharon- thanks to you too! You always keep me "honest")

Eric B....Our voice of reason. Stopping by the remote Saturday was perfect timing. I needed that.

Janis....the SASS to Coyote intercom works fine! (They holler down the street "PICK UP THE PHONE!")

The News Review Gang....I'm lovin' our weekly lunches.

Peggy at the Swap Sheet...You are my hero! Thanks for raising the bar on being everything that is "community".

Bad Andy....our weekly visits finish off my week.

David E. You newshound you!

Karen @ the D.I.....I think we need to start calling this place "Little Texas".

Gloria L. ...I know our contests are going to be great!

Steve B....My ears!

Nick @ Nickoletti's....you rock dude. Small business RULES.

Pete and Gail @ Bud Eyre and Brad @ Diamond Motors....Here's to selling a lot of cars to valley residents! The AV dealers suck!

Last but not least...

Fritz and Robert...Fritz you are an IDEA MACHINE! For those that don't know, there is a familiar voice on the air with us. Remember Fritz and Pony from KRAJ a few years back? Well he's a Ridgecrest boy and proud of where he lives. He's going to be doing a lot with us. Robert is our one and only intern. He knocked me out by knocking out a ton of work on the music library. He loves this town too, which I think may be an important qualification to work here.

These folks are just the tip of the iceberg. It has been awesome already. Like the guy who drove by in the red Chevy dually. He sticks his head out the window and shouts "You guys rock!!".


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