Our View

Our View
In Old Towne Ridgecrest

Thursday, March 15, 2007

GPAC Rocks!

But I am very proud of this one. It is the GPAC Committee who will be helping develop a new general plan for the future of Ridgecrest and the IWV. Thanks to Nellavan for asking me!

We had the Kern COG blueprint meeting last night and I have to tell you, if you missed it, you missed out. This one was for anyone to attend. There will be others. This really is an opportunity to be in on the ground floor to help plan this community's future. I will keep you posted on the air and will try to here on the blog.

It's everything from preventing urban sprawl, to meeting our water needs. From diversifying the economy to the simple "we need a Long John Silvers!". Kern COG will be back in about 6 weeks, but I also believe that the City may be doing some workshops like this as well. Here is the Kern COG web site where they can keep you posted and as they told us last night you can always leave feedback re: the planning anytime you want.

We learned a lot about how the population is going to grow between L.A. and San Francisco. I'm still not real sure how much of that is going to make it into our little corner of Kern County, but we will be getting more folks here and we need to be ready.

I found a web site about futuristic travel today too. You should really watch this video. If not for anything else, at least for the computer animation. I feel like we would be affected by this, not directly, but with hopefully a train to the A.V. and then onto this bad boy.

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