Our View

Our View
In Old Towne Ridgecrest

Friday, September 22, 2006

About That Gasoline....

So after talking to our financial guru, Andy Barkate, he suggested we were going about this high gas price thing all wrong. He suggested we through out an offer for a free advertising package for a place willing to lower the price a substantial amount per gallon. In this case it was ten cents a gallon and someone took us up on it. It was One Stop Market on China Lake Blvd. They dropped the price of regular to $2.75 a gallon. That's a full ten cents below the current lowest price which is $2.85.

If you haven't heard, the price of gas, the SAME gas, 120 miles north of us in Bishop is as low as $2.61. We're still scratching our head about that. We were hoping this might inspire a friendly gas price war, but so far, no deal.

I would like to thank One Stop for stepping up though. AND we will be visiting them soon to put together a nice advertising campaign.

I wouldn't say this was a total bust, because a lot of people saved some bucks on gas.

We'll keep pluggin' away.


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