Our View

Our View
In Old Towne Ridgecrest

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New Studio Furniture!

Good news and bad news today. We're installing our new studio furniture. That means some occasional on-air problems while we untangle the maze of wires. Madman is here and the crew from Horton Construction (they made the new modular cabinets). It's going to make this little space work a little better for us AND give us more counter top space. We will have everything done by this afternoon, but in the meantime be patient.

Oh yeah, the streaming will be down most of the afternoon too.

We'll have an open house soon, so everyone will get to see the new digs.




Anonymous said...

Hello webmaster,

I have noticed on the left side of the website, the logo of the "Ducks" goes to the San Diego Chargers, and the "Chargers" logo goes to the Ducks. The links need to be fixed.

Sam D.

Anonymous said...


I notice on the website on the left side under "sports on foxtalk 1360" that the second button "ducks" goes to a misspelled "sandiegeochargers.com" and the third button "chargers" goes to "anaheimducks.com." Please let the webmaster or HTML programmer know about this problem, and I hope it can be fixed soon.

Also, in the center area, it says " Click here for John Gibson between 3pm and 6pm." Shouldn't that say "3pm to 7pm?"


Jake H.
(Fox Talk 1360 fan)