Our View

Our View
In Old Towne Ridgecrest

Monday, October 16, 2006

Our Weekend Adventures (Part 298)

What a weekend! Thursday night, in front of a limted crowd, we still managed to have a great time. Friday was a better crowd, but threatening weather made for a little lighter crowd, Saturday afternoon we batlled the rain, but Saturday night we, well, battled the rain and the wind. Sunday was SO nice, we stayed longer. It was great. All in all, we have away a bunch of t-shirts, stickers and, a first ever (or in a long long time) gave away REAL money! $92.70 x 4. Congrats to all of our winners.

The SCE lamp exchange went very well, and they even gave us some extra lamps to give away at the fair!

Needless to say, by the end of the weekend we were pretty beat, but defintely felt good connecting with everyone that came out. We're on the move again this weekend with the still to be disclosed Fri-Sun Fair Grounds remote and coverage of Maturango Junction. The Junction is a great event and you should make it out to Jackson Park.

We're also hoping folks will come out for the Political Forums we're doing with the Chamber, the Swap Sheet and the DI. Keep listening for dates and times.

We'll always have stickers and a few t-shirts too!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Slacking again??

No, not really. Wre've just been so busy here. Okay, we did manage to take a three day weekend but it was to get ready for the next stretch of road show stops. We work every day until the 22nd. Yikes! But it's all good, because we get to be out and about with everyone. Keep listening because we are going to do something un-heard of during the Desert Empire Fair. More on that later.

The other thing we'll be doing is taking pocket change (or more) for Operation IWV Cares. We're gearing up again with the new name but same dedication for the Troops and for Long Beach, Mississippi. We want to make Christmas special for all of them.

Come by and see us!


Tuesday, October 03, 2006


They had the fundraiser dinner last night at Charley's and it was a huge success. They were able to donate $800 and Chip gave another $150 to the families of the accident victims. It's another example of the great work this community does. Speaking of...

We had a blast Friday night at the USO fundraiser. We raised almost $6000 form that including the wonderful $2600 that Peggy from the Swap Sheet donated to have Chip mow her yard. She threw him a curve however, by annoucning that as a taxpayer, the football field belongs to her and Chip would have to mow that!

That USO building project is really taking off. They raised over $12k on window sponsorships and we understad the new roof is going on soon. It is going to be the crowned jewel of Old Towne. Spekaing of...

We have a Wine Walk Thursday night on West Ridgecrest Blvd. We will be broadcasting that and we'llo be broadcasting live from the Swap Sheet to celebrate 60 years for that publication. We enjoy a great parntershiop with Peggy and crew. We're working on the Old Towne Fall Festival together as we speak!
